Full-Service, Vertically Integrated Real Estate Development and Operating Company
Research Driven Location Strategy
M-M Properties analyzes multiple data sets to drive our location strategy. Stated simply – we want to be in the markets and places people want to be. We look for opportunities in markets that have higher than average population growth, high job growth and pro-business corporate governance. We then look for the submarkets within these markets that have the highest demand and most favorable demographic trends (growing business sectors, favorable workforce dynamics, lifestyle amenities) – that is the sweet spot for the opportunities we are looking for.
We Know Great Real Estate
Once we are on target regarding market, we use our collective experience in the industry to find the best real estate and identify areas where we can improve the experience of the current offering. Utilizing great design is where we start, then we look at adding the amenities that today’s tenants are looking for – social space, coffee bars, food halls, fitness centers, conference centers, art and outdoor areas are all a part of our tool kit. The key is creating the best experience possible for the customer.
Perfect Alignment
M-M Properties coinvests in every deal, so the last filter for opportunities we review is do we want to invest in this asset? As every principal and key employee will likely have a personal investment in the asset, this skin-in-the-game commitment gives us an attention to detail unmatched in the industry.
Service is at the Core of Our Business
M-M Properties applies a hospitality mindset to our in-house asset and property management services. This allows us to provide a higher-touch, owner’s level perspective of service to the customer and gives us direct feedback to what tenants are looking for in the market.